Apple Green Salad

When it comes to salads my preference is to choose healthy choice as well as crunchy or a bit sweet flavour, in fact it is the game of taste buds .Apples are the finest choice to add it into salads as a good nutrient and of course greens should not be ignored in this taste cycle, so I decided to make it in delicious manner lets start the recipe hope you will enjoy the finished recipe.


  • Apples 3 big
  • iceberg lettuce 1 cup
  • salad leaves 1/2 cup
  • pomegranate 1/2 cup
  • mayonnaise 1/2 cup
  • yogurt 1/4 cup (optional)
  • crushed pepper 1 tspn
  • white pepper 1/2 tspn
  • sugar powdered 1 tbpn


In a large mixing bowl add mayonnaise and yogurt then add sugar ,black or white pepper and mix it well .Cut the apples with peel in cubes and cut the iceberg into cubes as well, chop the salad leaves it will add the beautiful colour to salad. Now add them in the mixture of mayo and toss it well. dish it out now its ready to eat .

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